A useful tool for learning a new language or exploring ideas like TDD is to use code Kata’s. A Code Kata is a small, reasonably simple problem. Here are a few example code Kata’s I have used.
Your task is to process a sequence of integer numbers to determine the following statistics:
- Minimum value
- Maximum value
- number of elements in the sequence
- average value
- Sum of all values
- Is the total sum an odd or even number
Try using a technology you are not familiar with and bonus Kudos for using TDD
Scrabble Score
Given a word, compute the scrabble score for that word.
Letter Values:
1 – A,E,I,O,U<L,N,R,S,T
2 – D,G
3 – B,C,M,P
4 – F,H,V,W,Y
5 – K
8 – J,X
10 – Q,Z
The word “Javascript” should return a score of 24.
Roman Numberals
Task #1
Write a function that converts an integer (up to a max value of 3,999) into Roman numberals
I = 1
V = 5
X = 10
L = 50
C = 100
D = 500
M = 1000
2021 = MMXXI
Optional Task #2
Write a function that converts Roman numeral strings back to their integer value