I’ve been looking at these virtual cycling challenges for a while now and given lockdown is meaning I’m using my Peloton a lot at the moment it seemed like a good time to finally sign up for one. On the site you can choose how long to give yourself to complete the challenge. As I’d not done one before I played it a little safe and said 2 weeks. But, after my first couple of rides I quickly realised this was far too long so cut the time down to 1 week.
I linked my Peloton to Strava and that updated the virtual challenge automatically so the only ride times that count are the ones in lessons on the bike. The 5 minute warm-ups don’t get counted, neither do the cooldowns.
I started off with a nice 30 minute ride and managed to push myself to a Personal Best output of 433Kj. Not quite pacing myself 🙂
I followed that with a 60 minute ride, again collecting another new Personal Best output of 655Kj, a whopping 100Kj above my previous best effort for that time.
Just over half way and I was struggling a little. Pushing hard every ride was taking it out of my legs so I had a couple of rest days to recover and jumped back in the saddle, taking a 90 minute ride. The rest days worked and I smashed my Personal Best output by just over 200Kj to 923Kj. Really crazy hard but a great reflection on how far my fitness has come on the bike that goes nowhere.
I finished the challenge with another 30 minute ride. Again managing to beat my Personal Best with an output of 451Kj.
What an amazing challenge this was. I loved how I could see my progress on a map each day. I’m looking forward to getting my badge in the post shortly.